Fraser Coast Chronicle : 8 Nov 2018 DIVERSIONAL therapist Tracey Beach and the tight-knit team at Blue Care Masters Lodge Aged Care Facility are on a mission to create a Christmas...
Everyone in life has dramas, but not everyone one has a traumatic event that has such a big impact on their life’s that makes them want to leave everything behind,...
I had only been with my new man Seb for about two months when we had our first argument. Yeah two whole months pretty amazing eh? The argument was that...
I do not remember my first day at school that memory is long gone, but I do have snippets of being at infant school aged about six. Manford Manor junior...
I needed proof.. For a long while, I had my suspicions that my husband was cheating on me. I first became aware when one night after packing my car that...
I am currently living in supported housing and have been since June 2006. I am classed as homeless. The place I live is secured housing and the facilities I share...
When you first qualify as a nurse, its easy to forget about all the other students that have qualified, and not just those from your cohort but also those from...
Memories of being a student nurse brings happy thoughts and sad thoughts and I want to share just one each for you. Happy Having a great mentor helps… Learning to...